
Kettle Produce España was born in 2003 from the initiative of three partners with extensive experience in the fruit and vegetable sector.


Our innovative facilities of more than 6,000m2 include high and low humidity cold rooms, intense light capacity and are linearly organized to optimize work processes.


Plan for the conservation and

and environmental improvement



KETTLE PRODUCE SPAIN is aware that the future of its activity lies in the sustainability of its farms. With the intention that our business is environmentally sustainable, in KPE we intend to conserve and improve the environment, providing all the necessary resources and means. To this end, we have created a plan for environmental conservation and improvement. Our Plan is based on the bases established by the LEAF protocol.


By means of an objective evaluation of the company’s environmental situation and establishing the necessary policies and work protocols, work systems are established based on the IFM Codes of Good Practice for Integrated Farm Management.


Our obligation is to comply with the regulations in force at all times and our commitment is to go further by anticipating future situations.

Commitment to

to equality



KETTLE PRODUCE ESPAÑA, S.L. declares its commitment to the establishment and development of policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without discriminating directly or indirectly on the basis of sex, as well as in the promotion and encouragement of measures to achieve real equality within our organization, establishing equal opportunities between women and men as a strategic principle of our Corporate and Human Resources Policy, in accordance with the definition of this principle established by the Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22 and the Royal Decree Law 6/2019 of March 1, for effective equality between women and men.


In each and every one of the areas in which this company operates, from recruitment to promotion, including salary policy, training, working and employment conditions, occupational health, working time management and conciliation, we assume the principle of equal opportunities between women and men, paying special attention to indirect discrimination, understood as “The situation in which an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice places a person of one sex at a particular disadvantage with respect to persons of the other sex”.


The aforementioned principles will be put into practice through the promotion of equality measures and through the implementation of the Equality Plan approved by the company, with the aim of advancing in the achievement of real equality between women and men in the company and, by extension, in society as a whole.

Continuous effort

to improve our energy

energy efficiency


KETTLE PRODUCE ESPAÑA S.L. has been the beneficiary of these projects under the call for subsidies for the promotion of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies for the Region of Murcia.
co-financed by the European Union:


Improving Energy Efficiency
in Agri-Food Industry

Improvement of the Refrigeration System
of Refrigeration Chambers

Photovoltaic Solar Installation
for Self-consumption

Renovation of Lighting Systems